
I'm a Wisconsin transplant, nature loving, boy momming, dark chocolate fanatic who has become obsessed with memory catching. It might sound cheesy  (WI pun intended), but documenting every season of my own family story has become a drive in my life. So much so that I have taken a personal hobby and built an entire business around my craving to show other mothers what I see. Becoming a mom myself has been such a raw, intense, and elevating experience- I am a small fraction the girl I was before Jack (my oldest), and I can't imagine not having made art from it. My photography is inspired by poetry, sunlight, and above all, mothering.

Hey girl! I'm Jaime- your new mom friend + personal shutter bug.

+ a Canon in my hand

Capturing everyday with a baby on my hip

I know what you're thinking... you've dedicated your profession to chasing sunsets, galavanting in fields, and making moments into memories? That's right! And also to have the flexibility to be fully present with my own little ones during their fleeting childhoods.  It started with my husband giving me a beginner Canon for Christmas in 2017 the year we were pregnant with our first son. Then it became a family documentary/ hobby and turned into this unquenchable desire to give other mothers and families the gift of sweet, frozen moments. Every season of parenthood and familyhood is worthy of capturing, and this philosophy guides every decision I make in this business.